By Bob Senel
A home inspection is just a general review and a visual evaluation which determines the quality of your home. Mostly home inspection is confused with the identification of problems present in home only but this is not the case. Home inspectors are mostly called in for determining the performance of the home but what is significant here is that they will also teach you how to maintain your property.
Buying a house is undoubtedly the major investment of your life hence at the time of buying it is important to make sure that your new home is cross-checked by a qualified home inspector. Hence an expert home inspector will visually inspect both interior and exterior components along with your home structure and identify immediate problems present in your home.
Hence home inspection requirements differ from state to state as every state has specific standards to follow while there are some general requirements which every state’s homeowner must follow. However, some home sellers who are vending without an agent want to sell their home “as is” because they don’t want to invest their time and money in fixing the defects present in their home. They are of the opinion that they can simply tell the home condition by taking a simple walkthrough of the house but working with an experienced home inspector will leave you in a better position to know the exact condition of the house and you can use that information for negotiating a lower price.
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The standard set of requirements for performing home inspection includes both exterior and interior details of the house. The exterior inspection specification includes foundation, grading, exterior walls, roof, and garage. While the interior inspection requirements cover electrical, plumbing, kitchen appliances, laundry room, water heater, fire safety and Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system along with bathroom checking. Moreover, some other areas which require inspection include structural elements, grounds, safety elements, attic, and basement. Once your house has been inspected by the home inspector and you have been informed about the problems then the next step which you should take is scheduling an appointment with consultants of their field, they can be swimming pool experts, pest control, asbestos or lead paint and toxic model certified specialists.
Keeping all these points in consideration it can be asserted that executing a home inspection would be worth your investment. A professional advice can save you from all the trouble which you may have to face at the time of closing the deal. Remember any home inspection does not negotiate you in getting all the fixes done, simply prioritize the identified problems and find their solutions. If the problem contains safety concerns of the home get them fixed immediately, secondly if complications involve too much expense then go for inspection contingency contract. Third, if problems are minor you can simply fix them or ask the buyer to negotiate it in purchasing price by reducing the amount. The bottom line is that a home inspection will initially cost you some money and effort from your end but in the long run, it will help you from inadvertent problems. If you are a first time home buyer then it will give you a training in home maintenance which will make your home both secure and safe.
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About Bob Senel

Consultant and trainer, retired general contractor from 1983 to 2012, founder of multiple inspection companies; residential, commercial and industrial inspector from 1978 to the present, California representative for IESO (Indoor Environmental Standards Association), founder of Mold in California and GAPIC (Global Association of Professional Inspectors and Contractors). Affiliations: CCC, CCI, CCPM, ICBO, IESO, CRMI, RMP, GAPIC.
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