Artificial Intelligence is the ability of the machine to perform cognitive computing based functions along with robotic process automation. Artificial Intelligence is in a continuous form of development and every field is taking interest in its growth in general. Right from its origin in 1950 to current optimistic era of development this technology has faced various ups and down.
Still, it has managed to secure a steady progress in the last fifty to sixty years and there have been massive AI advances in constructional development, real estate and even in home inspection.
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The future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quite bright as it is aiming to become a major force for doing social good for the society. At present there is a lot of debate going on safety concerns, ethical issues and legal concerns which are being faced by AI applications. Therefore it is essential that steps must be taken by AI research and policymakers in making decisions which are beneficial for the society and can easily be delivered in near future.
Customers are always considered at the top of any business and they should never be ignored because they are the ones for whom we are doing all this hard work. Real estate industry is very lucky in this case because brokers, real estate agents, and even home inspectors have direct contact with their customers hence they are able to hear each customer’s needs and desires. Hence an AI system can be customized by including user requirements and then making inspections or home searches on the basis of collected data.
Basically, artificial intelligence allows home inspectors to make use of latest technological devices to gather unprecedented amounts of data from disparate systems and utilize them in making authentic decisions. According to a recent study proposed by Inman (2017) Connect Panel, it has been found that most online shoppers prefer talking to a robot or machine which is AI-based rather than talking to a real person. The reason identified was that real people are more sales oriented while the chatbot - Artificial Intelligence-based robot is less sales-oriented and do not force or push people to make decisions.
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If you are thinking that you may fail in selecting the most appropriate new house for yourself then leave it on your home inspectors. They will do thorough research for you on the basis of their experience which can be coupled with latest AI based technological systems which can bring thousands of options which make a new home unsuitable according to your expected lifestyle preferences and needs. Hence it all depends on selecting the most suitable home inspector or home inspection company who can guide you properly or you will end up in paying higher costs than you have planned. In near future people will prefer home inspection companies who are utilizing artificial based systems and techniques for delivering a home inspection report owing to their reliability and authenticity. What needs to be done is to remove the negative image of artificial intelligence from the minds of people as it is felt that introduction of AI in home inspection industry will lead to job loss and complex policy changes.
But this will not be the case in reality because it will further support in checking several dimensions from security and regulatory perspectives.

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